Retiling The Floor In The Restrooms At Work? A Few Masonry Supplies You Will Need

The bathrooms in an industrial plant often go unattended for years. If the bathrooms in your plant look a few decades older than you would like them to look, it might be time to update them. It is the perfect opportunity to update a lot of the plumbing too so that your employees do not have to keep looking at old stained toilets and crusty pipes caked with lime and calcium deposits. To get started on this project, you are going to need more than just plumbing stuff. You are going to need masonry supplies to retile the floors and fill in holes in the walls after replacing everything. Here is what you can order in advance that your masonry contractor will approve of. 

Masonry Trowels 

Order all shapes, sizes, and types of trowels. Order two of every kind because there is always a good chance that one of each may go missing, end up in a plaster or concrete bucket by accident, etc. Keep the crew working on the projects by providing enough tools. Your masonry contractor will bring some as well, but it helps to have backups and tools that maybe your contractor did not think to put on his/her truck on the first day of work. 

Bags of Plaster and Quick-Drying Concrete or Mortar

Five to ten bags of plaster, mortar mix, and quick-drying concrete each is a good start when working on public bathrooms in your plant. Depending on what the contractor chooses to use for the floors and the walls (when needed), he/she will not have to stop to go grab supplies because you have purchased these in advance. During your initial consultation with the contractors, ask what types of plaster, mortar, and concrete will be needed so that you can prepare ahead by buying the correct types. 

Tiles, Lots of Tiles

Redoing the floor is going to be the biggest part of this project. Buy a bulk lot of the tiles you want to be installed in your restrooms. Several pallets of tile stacked three or four feet up should be the right amount of flooring for most standard-sized public restrooms in an industrial plant. If you are going to do the floors in the men's restrooms in a different style and/or color of tile than the ladies' restrooms, be sure to mark which is which and discuss it with your contractor before the work begins. 

About Me

Manufactured Home Production: An Inside Look

I grew up in an area that is known for manufactured home production. I was fascinated by the whole process, of how all of those materials came together to produce homes for people. It led me to learn everything I could about industrial manufactured home production. The more I learned, the more respect I developed for these structures and those who build them. I created this site to show others how structurally sound these homes are and what goes into their production. I hope this information helps you as you start looking at these homes to choose your next family home.



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