3 Reasons Why Your Stucco Trim Might Be Cracked

A somewhat common, yet controllable issue with stucco is cracking. However, when the exterior walls of a home with stucco are damage-free, but the trim has cracks, it can leave most homeowners with a lot of questions. There are several reasons why this type of issue could be happening. Learn about some of them to give you a better idea of which direction to turn when it comes to repairs.

1. Structural Issue

A leading reason for stucco trim cracking is a structural issue, even if you don't see the cracks anywhere on an exterior wall. House settling and other seismic movements are unavoidable, and construction professionals typically account for these movements when installing structures, such as trim. If the cracks appear at a diagonal position, this problem is likely to blame. 

In this instance, the trim cracking is a symptom of the underlying structural issue. Unfortunately, you have to get to the core of the issue before you can even begin to worry about the trim.

2. Poor Installation

Some homeowners don't think that installing stucco trim is a very hard job and sometimes elect to do the installation themselves. However, there is a small, but critical step often missed, and it comes in the form of fiberglass mesh tape. As previously mentioned, a house will naturally settle and contract and expand as the temperatures fluctuate between hot and cold. 

Fiberglass mesh tape should always be installed at the joints of the trim, which is the weakest area. The mesh tape helps secure the joints while also allowing for some level of movement due to the scenarios mentioned above. When the mesh tape is not used, the movement will put too much pressure on the trim and cause cracking. 

3. Wear and Tear

Stucco is a durable material, but compared to many other materials used for home exteriors, it is not the strongest. Sometimes, cracking is nothing more than the result of wear and tear. For example, cracking around the trim of a window that is used frequently could be the result of the constant vibration caused whenever the window is closed, especially if it's slammed. 

Even a ball that slams into the trim forcefully can cause a tiny crack that spreads over time. If your home is older and you're noticing this issue, it could simply be time for you to replace the trim. 

If you don't know why the stucco trim is cracking, it's okay. What's more important is that you get a professional to look at the problem and start working on repairs as soon as possible. 

About Me

Manufactured Home Production: An Inside Look

I grew up in an area that is known for manufactured home production. I was fascinated by the whole process, of how all of those materials came together to produce homes for people. It led me to learn everything I could about industrial manufactured home production. The more I learned, the more respect I developed for these structures and those who build them. I created this site to show others how structurally sound these homes are and what goes into their production. I hope this information helps you as you start looking at these homes to choose your next family home.



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