The Benefits Of Using A 3-Ply Mask During The Pandemic

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, government and health experts around the country are continuing to urge people to maintain social distancing and wear face coverings or masks. While any type of face-covering or mask is better than nothing at all, there are certain types of masks that are highly coveted during this time, and those are surgical-grade or 3-ply masks. Here's how to know if you have a 3-ply mask and why this specific type of mask is so important.

Three-Ply Means Three Layers

The reason why it's called a 3-ply mask is not rocket science. Just like how double-ply toilet paper has two different layers in order to create better support, a 3-ply mask has three individual layers. If you were to cut the mask open, you would be able to see all three layers.

The bottom or innermost layer is non-woven and the most soft or absorbent. The middle layer that you can't see is created using "melt-blown" technology and is often translucent. The top or most outward layer is typically non-woven again and made out of hydrophobic material.

A 3-Ply Mask Can Trap Droplets and Germs 

With a well-constructed 3-ply mask, germs and viral droplets that can lead to an illness like COVID-19 are stopped in their tracks. Even if the outermost layer doesn't fully stop the progression of the virus, one of the additional layers might. This, combined with the specific materials used, is why a surgical-grade 3-ply mask is more effective than a mask or covering that's only one layer.

A 3-ply mask won't just stop incoming germs either. It can also stop your own germs or droplets from getting out, as long as you cough into the mask.

Test with Water

If you are not sure if you have a 3-ply mask and don't want to cut it open, one way to test it out would be to put a few droplets of water on the outermost layer. After this side of the mask is wet, touch the mask on the other side. It should still be dry because the outermost layer's hydrophobic material should stop the water in its tracks. (This is also why it's so effective at stopping viral droplets.)

Any mask is better than no mask during the pandemic. But for best results, reach out to a supplier of 3-ply masks today.

To learn more, contact a provider that carries 3-ply masks.

About Me

Manufactured Home Production: An Inside Look

I grew up in an area that is known for manufactured home production. I was fascinated by the whole process, of how all of those materials came together to produce homes for people. It led me to learn everything I could about industrial manufactured home production. The more I learned, the more respect I developed for these structures and those who build them. I created this site to show others how structurally sound these homes are and what goes into their production. I hope this information helps you as you start looking at these homes to choose your next family home.



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